Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Odds and Ends

I went on the interview. I didn't see her. I have absolutely no idea what it was I expected to happen if I did, in fact, see her, but I didn't so its a moot point. Don't really think I want the job either, but whatever. That really wasn't the point of the interview now was it?

In just-as-boring news, I am actually accomplishing some of the things on my list. I have sent out 8 resumes (with only the one I didn't care about responding, but its better then nothing). I have almost completely cleaned out the boxes of crap in my room. I keep having those moments when I am looking through my shit thinking, who saves this stuff? I had a flight itinerary in there from 2003. Like that's useful? And I have cooked for myself twice so far this week, unless you count heating up frozen dinners, which would make it four times.

I want to start smoking again. I think it would help pass the time much quicker. But I won't.


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