Thursday, July 07, 2005

Worst Customer Ever

I am THAT customer. The one that all customer service people hate. I will ask you tons of asinine questions which you will then have to repeat multiple times because, honestly, I'm not very bright sometimes. I will ask for your opinion on things, even if I have never met you before, simply because I assume if you work somewhere, you should be an expert. I will take hours to make a decision, even if I have come into your store knowing exactly what I want and then will probably still not buy anything. And if I don't get the service I expect, I will complain. I complain a lot.

I'll complain on the spot, like if the food I ordered isn't exactly what I want or if someone was mean to me, but mostly, I am a fan of the strongly worded letter. Its amazing to me what you can get if you take the time to sit down and compose a note. (You have to read Consumer Joe, it made me laugh until I hurt). I write letters for good things as well, like when the goddess at Progressive took care of me so well after my car got broken into, but in general, most of my letters tend to be critical, if not down right nasty.

Since the invention of the online customer service page, where all you have to do is send an email, I send emails probably once every two weeks or so. Most recently it was a rant about the empty Washington Mutual ATMs (which was accompanied by at least three phone calls, one of which ended with the flustered customer service attendant saying "Ma'am I would love to help you, but I can't remove the charges until you have actually finished the transaction." I called him from the Bank of America ATM machines).

But today, I have run into to something that I just don't know what to do about. After a less then satisfying trip to Burger King, I find myself with no where to send my strongly worded letter. They don't have an address on the website, nor can you send an email. I can't even find an 800 number if I wanted to read my letter to someone over the phone. It seems my only option would be to actually go into the restaurant again. And I just don't know if I care that much. I think I've gone to Burger King a total of three times in the past year, so it's not like I am a valued customer or anything. Honestly, I'm not naive enough to think they care about my letter. But most companies at least humor me. Even if they have trained monkeys responding in a back room somewhere, they give me an outlet to voice my frustrations. I'm just flabbergasted that Burger King isn't even putting on the facade of consideration for their customers' complaints. So now I am at an impasse. Do I get off my ass and go to the offending Burger King to complain, or do I just let it go and move on? Sadly enough, I really do have to think about this one.

And man, I really wish I hadn't started playing with their online interactive nutritional value chart. Damn that zesty dipping sauce!

Oh, and just because I know there are those that hate the likes of me, here are some seriously funny customer service blogs...
Worst Call
Call Center Purgatory
The Supervisor of Customer Service Hell


Blogger AnonymousCog said...

Thanks for the link!

7/11/2005 06:44:00 PM  

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