Alright, so I disappeared again, forever. But whatever, I can't do this all the time, I am a god damned graduate student and if I had time for anything, that would be really nice. I'm a little bitter today. I've been in front of my computer for 4 and a half hours so far and have yet to complete this stupid project and I am getting a little antzy. Not to mention I have a weird addiction to Websudoku and I can't stop playing, which may have added to the fact that I am not done with my home work.
Then I checked myspace (again, can we say procrastination?) and there was a chain letter posted in the bullitens. This is what it said:
Don't EVER leave the one you love for the one you like because the one you like will leave you for the one they love...tonight your true love will realize how much they love you. tomorrow the shock of your life will occur. if you break the chain then you will have bad luck...:.:.:.If you REALLY LIKE (or LOVE) SOMEONE right now AND MISS THEM and can't get them out of your head then re-post this within 1 mintute with the title LOVE VS. LIKE and whoever you are missing will surprise you.
I started thinking about all the ridiculous chain emails I have gotten in the past. And my thought for today is this: Am I so ridiculously cursed in love because I ignored millions of chain emails and there may have been some truth to them? I mean maybe the fact that I am not superstitious doesn't matter, the curse has still gotten me. And because there were SO many of them, I am now doomed to a life of solitude, with the exception of possibly a few pets. Its possible, right? Even if just one of those chain letters that I ignored held even a smidgeon of voodoo power to effect my love life, I'm fucked.